Expository text: what it is, characteristics, structure, types of expository text and more


What is expository text?

Expository text is understood as those types of text whose main objective is to inform about topics that are of general interest, although they are not oriented to a specialized type of audience. However, it objectively presents a specific topic or subject in order to present specific data or concepts about it.

What is expository text

In addition to the transmission of information, expository texts also provide a series of direct knowledge about different contents according to the topic they are dealing with. At the same time, it shares the faculty of being an explanatory text because inside it insists on clarifying the information it presents with the data it mentions.

Main characteristics of expository texts

It is time to take a look at some of the most important features of this type of text, which are shared by all those included in this category:

Accuracy of information

For an expository text to fulfill its informative function, mainly, it must use specific terms and words that are precise with the information it intends to inform, as well as having a clear organization on which it can be developed to communicate correctly to the receiver.

Use of literary resources

The expository text is characterized by the use of resources or objective literary figures in its development. Thus, it uses elements such as definitions, enumerations, comparisons, and examples, among others, which facilitate the exposition of information, the explanation and, to this extent, the understanding of the public with respect to the information presented.

Organization of information

Although each text of this modality must have the structure we mentioned, there are other elements that can be included in the organization of the content. Thus, we find that it can be organized deductively from the broadest to the specific, inductively from the specific to the general, linearly, chronologically based on a historical element, posing a problem or a numbered organization.

Examples of expository text

Among the examples of this type of text, we find school texts, encyclopedias that are part of the informative texts, although we also find degree works and other articles that are part of the specialized texts, which imply previous knowledge.

Structure of expository texts

The way in which this type of texts are organized is usually also shared with other types of texts, which allow their comprehension to follow a coherent line of information in order to facilitate the comprehension process:


In this first part, the expository text sets out the topic to be addressed in its development. It should also include information about the focus on which the information will be developed and mention fundamental aspects.


This is the central part of the non-literary text in which all the information related to the topic being addressed, which was anticipated in the introduction, is presented in an organized manner with clear language.


The expository text ends with a synthesis of the information that has been presented according to the objectives or statements made in the introduction. At the same time, it should mention which are the most important aspects regarding the chosen topic.

Types of expository text

The way in which this type of text is divided mainly depends on the level of complexity of its content, and to the same extent also on the level of understanding necessary for the information being handled. Thus, we can classify expository text into two types:

Informative expository text

This type of text is aimed at a very wide audience, which is why it does not require specific knowledge of the information to be presented beforehand.

Specialized expository text

On the other hand, in this section we find all those texts that are intended for an audience specialized in a specific subject. They usually include a technical vocabulary with terms related to the subject matter.

Tips for writing an expository text

Tips for writing an expository text

This is one of the most complex text types within the non-literary field, since it implies a construction that allows clarity to be given to several ideas with which a correct understanding by the audience is sought. For this reason, here are some key aspects that must be taken into account at the time of its elaboration:

Clarity about the topic

It is important for the author not only to have the information at hand, but also to understand and be clear about the content in its entirety. The greater the clarity and understanding of the topic, the better the information will be presented, since the explanation will be conscious, argued and supported by the knowledge base.

Use of paragraphs

The use of paragraphs is very important in this specific type of text, since they can be used to construct a series of ideas that give shape to the argumentation in general. That is why the distribution of information in different paragraphs facilitates the deepening and explanation of each concept, data or topic that is being dealt with. It is clear that there must be some kind of connection between one paragraph and another.

Resources and material

The search for resources that can be consulted on the information presented is one of the most important elements in the planning of writing. For this reason, we recommend that if you decide to use them, you should look for sources of authority and recognition that provide credibility and weight to the information. This information should be presented, if desired, at the end of the text, but always mentioned to evidence a thorough investigation and mastery of the topic.

Revision of the draft

The text written for the first time will not be the finished text, in fact it is recommended to use it as a first draft to start with all the corrections to be made, as it is necessary to make several readings of it. During this review, it is necessary to identify aspects such as repetition of words, use of terms without connected ideas, unnecessary sentences or explanations that divert the reader’s attention without any use, among other possible flaws. This is the period of cleaning up the text.

Reading aloud is an excellent way to put yourself in the reader’s role and verify if the information is organized correctly with the appropriate terms for its comprehension. If you have a little time, it is advisable to subject the text to a kind of “rest” in which the next revision is after at least one day to apply a more objective observation.

To learn more about other types of text in this category or simply to continue learning more about the literary world, remember that you can visit our art section to go to other aspects of this artistic field.
