Unimodal digital text: what it is and its main characteristics


What is unimodal digital text?

Unimodal text is defined as all those texts that are written or digitized using a specific processor for this purpose, so that it is possible to recognize them in the digital environment by the acronym of the extension with which they were intervened, whether pdf, doc, rtf, among other possible formats. In this sense, they use a single code that can be auditory, tactile, visual, verbal, etc.

Among the possible processors for digitizing texts are Google docs, Word, among others. Likewise, this category also includes all those texts that have gone through the scanning process, so that the document is converted to another format and becomes a digital text.

Main characteristics of unimodal digital text

Now, according to the information we have seen, it is time to review a number of features that allow us to identify this type of texts and distinguish them from others. These features are:

Unconnected function

One of the most important features of this type of texts has to do with the fact that it is not always necessary to have an Internet connection to access or create them. This is because the format and the word processor used for it can work without the need to be connected to the network in terms of modifications and creations that you want to make in the digital text.

In this way, the user or reader can create or modify digital texts from any device, whether it is his computer, tablet or cell phone without having to have an Internet connection.

What is unimodal digital text

Versions of other texts

Another important aspect to consider is that, since it is possible to have physical texts or documents that pass from this state to the digital state, we may encounter versions of texts that have been written in other media. Thus, we can see unimodal texts that are only digital versions of other texts that already existed and with which readers may have already had an encounter.

Ease of reading

The word processors under which it is possible to access this type of texts provide the possibility of downloading and reading through the same or other platforms. This is an important element since it facilitates the reading process for the reader to the extent that it offers tools through which he/she can make annotations, highlight ideas, or other behaviors that are performed with physical readings and that allow the reader to study the texts.

In addition to this, it is possible to download and review the text without the need for a network connection. So once the reader finds the text he can consult it whenever he wants without Internet, once he has downloaded it.

To learn more about other types of digital texts, or other types of text, remember that in our Literature section you can find much more information of interest that will allow you to continue learning about the different possible formats of text today, as well as much more content about this type of art.
