Multimodal digital text: what is multimodal digital text, main characteristics, structure and types of multimodal text


What is a multimodal digital text?

Multimodal text includes any text that has been intervened or in which online editors or multimodal editors have been used, which are characterized by implementing several functions. In other words, they are texts in which more than one code is used, given that in addition to the written content, they also include other content in another format or resource, whether it is a graphic, image, audio, video, animation, gif, among others.

What is a multimodal digital text

This type of text covers a large number of formats, among which we can see illustrated books online, where there are illustrations, press articles with infographics, comics, movies, presentations of information through different platforms, advertisements, among others.

Main characteristics of multimodal digital text

It is time to review a number of important features that allow us to distinguish this type of text from others. Let’s see what are the main characteristics of multimodal text:

Purpose of multimodal text

The purpose of multimodal digital texts is to inform or entertain the reader or users according to the medium of dissemination. Hence, the use of various linguistic resources allows to offer other possibilities of access to information to the reader, because in this way they reinforce the message that is sent.

Participation intention

This type of digital text is oriented to the search for an active participation of the reader of the content, since through the elements it incorporates, it enriches the reading experience or provides tools in which the interested party can deepen in the topic of interest and thus encourages participation with the content presented.

Message reinforcement

The use of varied resources and content formats presented in this type of text makes it possible to reinforce the idea or message being transmitted to the reader. This is due to the fact that all the elements incorporated are in function of the central content and through their multiple forms and languages they manage to retain the reader’s attention, so that it is easier to remain in his memory.

Multimodal text structure

Although the structure of this type of text may vary, it is possible to identify a series of elements that compose it according to the use of different resources that we can recognize below:


This type of structure includes all those multimedia texts that incorporate the use of images and/or videos in their written content. It is often a type of resource that is used with the intention of reinforcing the message addressed by the text, since the implemented resource contains information that highlights or deepens it in another language for the reader.


In this format we find a structure that focuses mainly on the online appearance. The hypertext is also part of a larger unit such as a blog that also comes from a web page. In this way, the content has links or links through which the reader navigates and is directed to other information spaces. It is possible to choose whether to incorporate multimedia resources or not.

In this type of structure we find texts that are expressed through editors, search engines, news publications with links to multimedia resources, among others.

Types of multimodal texts

Types of multimodal texts

According to the communicative intention it is possible to identify several types of multimodal digital texts, among them we find the following:

Literary multimodal text

As its name indicates, in this first group we find all those texts that have similar elements to general literary texts, such as subjectivity, expressive and aesthetic intention, among other features, combined with the semiotic systems that implement this type of multimodal texts. In this way, the interpretation of literary multimodal text implies the use of its elements together. Here we find different types of literary narrative, poetic, etc. literary texts.

Non-literary multimodal text

On the other hand, we find multimodal texts that are completely different from literary texts in terms of their complete definition. In this sense, they are texts that present similar aspects to non-literary texts, such as the importance of objectivity, as well as the structure of the content, the communicative and informative intention, among other fundamental features. In this way, the non-literary text is united with the semiotic system in order to offer an individual interpretation. Here we find texts such as advertisements.

To learn more about other types of digital text, as well as other formats of written texts, remember that in our literature section you can find much more information that will allow you to continue learning more about this artistic field.
