Generation of ’68: what it is, how it was born, characteristics, authors and important works


What is the generation of ’68?

The generation of ’68 or of 1868 was a term applied to a generation of authors born in Spain that arose at a decisive moment for the country, since they began to publish during the Glorious or Revolution of 1868, as it was also known, a moment in which important changes emerged within the Spanish society.

Under this scenario, literary works began to take shape, mainly novels, which in their content addressed these processes, among which the flight of Queen Isabella II, for example, the growth of democratic political movements, reforms in the economic field, the decline of the nobility and the clergy, among others.

How was the generation of ’68 born?

One of the main situations that gave rise to this movement had to do with the social and political context that was being experienced in Spain, given that the authors lived in a social and political atmosphere that was undergoing important changes and that forced intellectuals to look at the situations that triggered the confrontations.

Literary development of the ’68 generation

As for the bases that define as such this literary movement, which arose at a key moment of transformation at different levels of human life in the country, it is necessary to mention that these are mainly of an ideological nature. The authors, whose ideology was close to the liberal one, expressed in their works a conscience and, at the same time, a commitment to the nation. In addition to an optimism and hope for progress.

However, on the other hand, the elements that came into crisis, especially at this time, were those related to romanticism, since this was considered an anti-romantic generation.

What is the generation of '68

Characteristics of the generation of ’68

It is time to take a look at the most important characteristics that laid the foundations of this generation within their literary production and how they did it. Among them we find the following:

Questioning of rites and beliefs

One of the most important aspects of this generation is the authors’ questioning and critical view of the beliefs and absolute power of the Catholic Church. Among the authors who most denounced and criticized these aspects of the church were Galdós and Clarín.

Importance of science

Among the main features of this generation is the importance given to science. Throughout its development in the literary field, even up to the Generation of ’98, of which we have already spoken in another section, the prestige of science persists, which will be recurrent in their works. An example of them are the novels of Galdós, in which he expresses the importance of a society that welcomes the advances of science.

Authors and works of the generation of 1968

Among the most important authors of this movement are: Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín”, Benito Pérez Galdós, Armando Palacio Valdés, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Joaquín Dicenta, José María de Pereda, Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, Juan Valera, among others.

To learn about other literary generations, movements, genres and more about this artistic field, we recommend you to visit Tipos de Arte, the Literature section, where you will find a great amount of content that you cannot miss to continue learning about this artistic expression.
