
Babylonian Architecture – Characteristics, Concept and Definition

Babylonian Architecture This architecture owes its name to the region of its origin, in the city of Babylon in lower Mesopotamia. Characterized by the oldest monuments found on stepped platforms that probably served as a framework for the oldest Egyptian pyramids. Thus, the ruins of the architectural monuments explored in Mesopotamia seem not as ancient… read more »

Egyptian Architecture – Knowledge, Development and Evolution

History of Egyptian Architecture The Egyptian civilization dates back to about 5500 years B.C., calling attention to the structure and social fabric dominated by dynasties of strong pharaohs with attributes considered of divine origin. C., drawing attention to the structure and social fabric dominated by dynasties of strong pharaohs with attributes considered to be of… read more »

Sumerian-Mesopotamian Architecture – Features, Representatives

Sumerian-Mesopotamian Architecture Mesopotamia settled as a civilization between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, which today make up the Middle East. Therefore, the first concept of a city was formed by Sumerian-Mesopotamian architecture. In it, constructions were built for life, forming an essentially civic architecture. With palaces, temples, public services, walls, irrigation canals, bridges and fortresses…. read more »

Archaic Architecture – Definition, Styles and Concepts

What is Archaic Architecture? The Archaic Architecture is the most primitive, with a very basic and simple style to protect from the weather and also to perform cults according to religious tendencies, to the gods, as well as rituals, megalithic structures, house or hut constructions. Archaic Architecture is the one made of limestone and marble…. read more »

Civil Architecture – Definition, Characteristics and Types

What is Civil Architecture? Civil Architecture is defined as a cultural and professional practice that deals with the construction of buildings and the documentation of them. The civil work solves what it means to produce architecture in a given time, presenting a civic character for a condition that at this moment, is global. The civil… read more »

Military Architecture – Beginnings, Characteristics, Development

What is Military Architecture? It is the architecture of the defensive works of walls, forts, watchtowers, whose imposing remains proclaim today the solitude of the Greek landscape, they are the other face, of an architecture that for a long time only wanted to be seen in sacred buildings. Military architecture as such, can be evidenced… read more »

Religious Architecture – Beginnings, Development and Representatives

What is Religious Architecture? The history of architecture is more concerned with religious buildings than with any other type, because in most past cultures the universal and exalted appeal of religion made the church or temple the most expressive, most permanent, and most influential building in any community. The typology of religious architecture is complex,… read more »

Vulgar Architecture – Beginnings, Extension and History

What is Vulgar Architecture? Vulgar architecture is so called because it is a poor architecture from the aesthetic point of view. It is represented in concrete buildings that lack decoration in their block-like structure that has gone out of fashion since the 1970s. However, in order to fully appreciate and understand the style, it is… read more »

Popular Architecture – Characteristics, Beginnings and Development

What is Popular Architecture? Folk Architecture is the latest architecture and design proposal for the Badel Block Complex because Folk Architecture is a combination of multi-purpose and stable, both a mass that invites interpretation and detailed development by others, and an anchor that seeks to re-channel the positive qualities of the site. Conceptually, the project… read more »

Stylistic Architecture – Characteristics, Development and Evolution

What is Stylistic architecture? Also called historical architecture, it is known for containing within its composition artistic and symbolic elements, this type of architecture is very studied by art historians, since they represent specific periods of history, this type of architecture takes much into account the artistic languages and space, being generally represented in very… read more »
