
Fresco Painting – Legacy, Representatives, Evolution

What is Fresco Painting? Fresco painting is also defined as a mural painting technique characterized by the application of water-soaked color pigments on fresh plaster. The term fresco art describes the method of painting in which color pigments are mixed only with water, thus, no binder is used, and then applied directly to a freshly… read more »

Encaustic Painting – Characteristics, Concept and Representatives

What is Encaustic Painting? Encaustic painting is also known as wax painting, used since ancient times, and is characterized by being a painting technique that uses colors diluted in molten wax, that is, using beeswax as a binder. This paste is used hot and is generally applied on wood. The process of encaustic painting consisted… read more »

Camaieu – Representatives, Features and Benefits

What is Camaieu? Camaieu is a pictorial technique by which an image is executed either entirely in tones or tints of a single color or in various tones unnatural to the object, figure or scene represented. When a painting is rendered monochromatically in gray, it is called grisaille, when in yellow, plum. Originating in the… read more »

Anamorphosis – Characteristics, Representatives and Exponents

What is Anamorphosis? Anamorphosis in the visual arts, is an ingenious perspective technique that gives a distorted image of the subject depicted in an image when viewed from the usual point of view but is executed in such a way that if viewed from a particular angle, or reflected in a curved mirror, the distortion… read more »

Aerial Perspective – History, Advantages and Representatives

What is Aerial Perspective? Aerial perspective, also called atmospheric perspective, is a method of creating the illusion of depth, or recession, in a painting or drawing by modulating color to simulate the changes effected by the atmosphere on the colors of things seen from a distance. In this sense, the degree of dispersion depends on… read more »

Painting Techniques – Complete List, Characteristics and Explanation

Main Painting Techniques There are several painting techniques that have been developed throughout history, here we show you each one of them: Acrylic Painting This painting technique is executed by means of acrylic resins. The advantage of acrylic is that it allows for quick drying, it is also a vehicle for any type of pigment… read more »

History of Painting – Development, Characteristics and Epochs

What is the history of painting? Art in all its forms of painting, sculpture, drawing and engraving, appeared in human groups around the world in the Upper Paleolithic period, approximately 40,000 to 10,000 years ago. In Europe, sophisticated and powerful paintings from this period have been discovered in caves such as those at Lascaux in… read more »

Top Universities of Painting – Complete List

Which are the Main Universities of Painting? Below you will find some of the institutions where it is possible to develop the art of painting. University of California, Los Angeles Offers through the Experimental Dean of Humanities and Arts, a Bachelor of Fine Arts, which seeks to train professionals in the area. University of Berkeley … read more »

Main representatives of each period of Painting – Complete List

What are the main representatives of each period and in each country? The following are the most representative painters of painting by continents and countries. Painters representing Asian painting Mugi Fuchang (1210-1269) He is attributed important works such as the triptych of Guan Yin flanked by the family monkey and a crane currently in the… read more »

History of Western Painting, Concept and Styles

What is Western Painting? Western painting in general is distinguished by its concentration on the representation of the human figure, whether in the heroic context of antiquity or the religious context of the Christian and early medieval world. The Renaissance would have extended this tradition through close examination of nature and investigation of balance, harmony… read more »
