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Scientific text: what it is, characteristics, structure, types, and more

What is a scientific text? We talk about scientific texts when we refer to all those written texts that contain information related to concepts, theories or other series of topics that are based on scientific knowledge, which is why they are written following a specialized technical language for the audience to which they are addressed…. read more »

Argumentative text: what it is, characteristics, structure, types, and more

What is an argumentative text? We speak of an argumentative text when we identify texts whose main objective is to support a thesis that is presented through an organized exposition of ideas, reasons or coherent and logical justifications. The purpose of this presentation is to persuade the reader of the author’s point of view. Argumentation,… read more »

Administrative text: what is it, what are its characteristics, types and more

What is an administrative text? Administrative texts are defined as all those documents through which citizens and the Administration communicate. They are texts that are mainly characterized by the formalism with which they are elaborated, so that readers or recipients can not only identify them easily, but also understand the information presented to them. This… read more »
