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Modern Theater – Beginnings, Representatives, Concepts

What is the Teatro Moderno? In the Modern Theater the stages are often very large and can hold many people. The stage is placed in the center with the audience usually in front and to the sides, but rarely behind. Some theaters, for example, the Cockpit theater in London is what they call a round… read more »

American Theater – Characteristic, Concept and Development

What is the American Theater? The history of the American theater dates back as early as the second half of the 17th century, when there is evidence of its performance attempts, among some of the less puritanical of the early American colonies. Thus, the first real theaters were those built in Williamsburg in 1716, New… read more »

African Theater – Development, Influence and Items

What is African Theater? African theater is a theater based on discrete historical and national patterns. Likewise, in this theater, colonial boundaries ignored cultural and linguistic units and ancient movements across the continent, and it is believed that this was due to particular societal circumstances such as trade (including the transatlantic slave trade), religion and… read more »

Eighteenth Century Theater – Characteristics, Concepts and Development

What is the theater of the 18th century? The 18th century was the great age of theater. In London and the provinces, large auditoriums were built specially designed to accommodate the crowds that flocked in the evenings to see plays and musical performances. A variety of entertainments were on offer, from acrobatic plays and ballets… read more »

Neo-classical Theater – Concept, Definition and Characteristics

What is the Neoclassical Theater? The Neoclassical Theater, arises from the poetic writings of Luzán in 1737, product of an intense debate in which all aspects of dramaturgy are discussed, such as aesthetics, the rules to be followed by the plays, the art of representation, the layout of the premises, the social purpose among others…. read more »

Renaissance Theater – Concept, Idealization and Features

What is the Renaissance Theater? The Renaissance Theater of the XVI Century is characterized by Humanism, starting from the religious, it trusts more in its potentials to create technology, not leaving its destiny only in the hands of God.  Similarly, the works of this theater, idealization of nature, the return to the classic, taking at… read more »

Deep Medieval Theater – Characteristics, Exponents and Legacy

What is Medieval Deep Theater? Before 1200, most medieval theater was performed inside the church as part of the liturgy. Almost all of it was still in Latin, the language of the Church. There were two main areas for performances to take place, mansions, considered small scenic structures to indicate the location, for example, of… read more »

Religious Theater – Concept, Relationships and Characteristics

What is Religious Theater? The humanists who pursued a classical Greco-Latin ideal, went against the firmness with which the free experiences in the medieval theater had been constituted, therefore, they created the Religious theater that is located at the end of the XV century continuing until the middle of the XVI century. Likewise, the religious… read more »

Medieval Theater – Origins, Genres and Characteristics

What is Medieval Theater? Medieval theater takes the form of liturgical drama that was staged in the Roman Catholic Church. Likewise, this theater was often performed through pagan and popular festivals. Thus, in the 10th century, the different ecclesiastical rites, such as the mass, were performed as a dramatic representation. It is considered that at… read more »

Roman Theater – Construction, Concept and Evolution

What is the Roman Theater? The Western theater could be developed and expanded under the influence of the Roman theater. Thus, the Roman historian Titus Livy wrote that the first experimental theater of the Romans took place in the fourth century B.C., with the staging of Etruscan actors. Beacham argues that they had been familiar… read more »
